An Expression of

God's Love for the world

We are passionate about showing you who Jesus is. Whether it is in our own neighborhood or across the globe, we can tangibly express God’s love for humanity through our outreach projects and mission trips. Join us as we extend our mission beyond our walls and share the love of Jesus in our local and global community. We are strategic about reaching the greater Tempe area for Christ in a number of ways, and we've highlighted one of our ministries below.

We also feel it is important for our members to take their faith outside our church walls and to make an impact for Jesus Christ, not only in our community but around the world. God has called our church to serve the countries of Vietnam and Mexico.

Serving Locally: Go OUtside Project

The greater Tempe/Phoenix areas have thousands of low-income and needy families who could never imagine getting out of the city for a camping trip. The Boulevard Church is an integral part of the "Go Outside Project", who's goal is to take these families camping and backpacking for the very first time in.

This immersive experience not only gives these families a much needed break from the hot summers, but also allows them to connect with their families and (for some) have a first-time experience with their creator. If your are interested in contributing to this project, do so through our giving form.

Love Vietnam

Church members have been serving communities in north Vietnam since 1996, using their vocational skills, gifts and passions to meet needs and impact lives. This year, we will send at least 10 teams to Vietnam, impacting multiple areas / domains in each of the communities we serve.  In Hanoi, we work with orphanages, universities, hospitals, artists, and the business community. We have also adopted villages in the mountains of Lao Cai Province, where we have an impact in the areas of health, hygiene, education, construction, agriculture, and economics.


Mexico Outreach

Suffering the same needs as other developing nations, our Mexican neighbors present us with opportunities for service. Each summer, our church mobilizes teens and adults to provide a fun, exciting and spiritual retreat for orphans in the city of Puebla. As a member of this team, you will be “roughing it” by camping out in tents and sleeping bags at the beautiful camping grounds in south Puebla. The kids will learn about the love for Christ through you. There will be fun activities, Bible lessons to teach, and, did we mention: FUN.