Our Gatherings:

Teaching, Worship and Community

We are a family who gathers to welcome the presence of God and to live out the calling He has placed on our lives. There is something happening everyday at our church, but when you join us for a Sunday morning gathering, you can expect a strong and challenging message, powerful worship experience, and a whole lot of community.

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Here's the info you'll need to join us for a Sunday morning service:

When: Sunday Mornings at 10:00AM

Where: 402 E Southern Avenue, Tempe, AZ 85282 (See Map below)

Boulevard Kids

Each Sunday, you can check your child into our Kids Ministry. We want your kids to have an awesome time at church too, so we have some dedicated (and gifted) individuals who give their Sundays to pour into your kids!

Here's what a typical Sunday looks like:

Either a wristband will be filled out by parents or they will be asked to check-in on the computer and print out a name tag. A claim tag will then be given or printed for parents to present at check-out. Both formats will include your child’s name as well as information regarding specific allergies. From there you will walk them to their age-specific classroom. When you return at the end of service you will check-out your child by signing them out or checking them out on the computer and then handing the claim tag to the teacher.

We Need Volunteers!

We are always in need of great people to serve on Sundays. Since we only have one service, we understand that serving can be a big sacrifice to you and your family. We encourage every person that calls The Boulevard their home to serve at least one Sunday a month.

We always need great people for The Boulevard Kids Ministry, but there are also big needs in our Worship and Hospitality ministries. If you are interested in serving on a Sunday morning, please let us know!